Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Confession

I was watching you sleep the other day,
And prayed that it would last.
The peace that rested on your face,
I’d never seen in the past.

I was watching you speak a while ago,
And hoped that you’d go on.
The way your words, they had no end,
Your spirit seemed so strong.

I was watching you fight the other day,
And prayed my tears would dry.
All this I knew was done for me,
And couldn’t figure why.

I was watching you smile a while ago,
And stared in total awe.
Was it me who made you shine?
Was that triumph that I saw?

And all this time you’ve waited,
And all this time you’ve helped.
And all the things you sacrificed,
For me to grow up well.

And all the tears you dried,
And all the pain you soothed.
And all the truths you had to hide,
Without a simple thank-you.

But I was watching you the other day,
And I realized I can’t wait.
To tell you how much I appreciate,
And love you in every way.

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