Monday, December 6, 2010


I am still learning about this thing called love I’m not perfect and that’s the rub.
Your words have been locked in my heart and I have used them here.

When you held my hand and told me I was adorable I fell a little
When you looked into my eyes as you were inside me I fell a lot
When you smiled at me with your dimples I felt breathless

Your words are like a vow a promise to be true and to last forsaking all others
I feel comfortable and let down my walls completely I have fallen
You have made me crumble at your feet and you tell me it’s the same for you. Is it true?

When you do what you do,
When you say what you say,
All the words in my head evaporate.

When you look into my eyes,
When you give me your smile,
My heart beats double time my pulse accelerates.

When we are one and I feel you in my heart
When I feel you let me into to yours
I stop breathing just to hear your love.
Love is mysterious and it can get bumpy
Let’s hold each other so it is not so scary.

Is it physical sure but it is so much more
It is like we’ve been here before.
You say that I have brought out the man in you.
The woman in me has been brought to the fore
You have brought out my daring side and it feels so natural so nice and you keep on saying that’s just right .

But my insecurities arise and you wear the brunt of another man’s sins.
I’m sorry that this has chased you away.
I’ll regret this to my dying day.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I miss you,

I want to call you,

but I dare not,

'coz I don't know what to say.

I miss you,

I want to message you,

but I dare not,

'coz I'm afraid that you won't reply.

I miss you,

I want to messenger chat with you,

but I don't,

'coz I don't want to disturb the chat between you and him/her.

I miss you,

I want to look into your eyes,

but I won't,

'coz I know I'm just dreaming along.

I miss you,

I wish you were here,

but I know,

its almost impossible.

I miss you,

I want to hug you,

but I know,

its not gonna happen.

I miss you,

I wish you could stand by my side,

but I know,

this could only happen in my dream.

I miss you,

I want to know what are you doing,

but I can only know it through stalking your profile,

though you don't really update frequently.

I miss you,

I just want to know,

have you.. ever miss me,

even once..?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Everyday i think of you.
Everyday you cross my mind.
Everyday i see something that reminds me of you.
Everyday im missing you.
Everyday i wish you were mine.
Everyday i wonder what could of been.
Everyday i think of why you did this.
& everyday im getting stronger.
Everyday im moving on.
But everyday ill always miss you.
I MiSs ThE tImE wE SpEnT 2GeThEr-I mIsS tHa* wAy YoU uSeD 2 hOlD mE-tHe wAy yOu RaN YoUr FiNgErS tHrOuGh mY hAiR-EvEn tHa* TiMeS wHeN yOu HuNg uP iN mY fAcE 4 TeLLiN* yOu 2 sHuTuP!-ThE wAy YoU tOlD mE yOu LoVeD-ThE wAy iT mAdE mE fEeL-I mIsS tHa* CuTe WaY yOu LaUgH-I mIsS hEaRiNg YoUr VoIcE-I mIsS sEeInG yOuR *#* oN tHa* CaLLeR ID aFtEr We GoT iN a FiGhT-HoW iT mAdE mE fEeL wHeN yOu SaId i WaS yOuR "FaVoRiTe"-ThE wAy We LoOkEd iN 2 eAcH oThErS EyEs aS iF tHe WhOlE wOrLd HaD StOpPeD aNd We WeRe tHe oNlY oNeS LeFt oN iT-I mIsS StAyIn* oN tHe PhOnE w/ YoU aLL HoUrS oF tHe nIgHt-ThE wAy yOu UsEd 2 aSk StUpId ?*s, aNd GeTtIn* mAd @ mE 4 nOt AnSweRiN* tHeM-I MiSs YoU!
*$* iM tIrEd oF aLL tHa* HuRt-Im TiReD oF aLL tHa* pAiN, I rEaLLy JuSt WiSh yOu WeRe hEre!*$*

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Wrong Way

The wrong way, no one ever does this,
We're the best of friends but at one time longed to kiss,

We have done things in opposite array,
But for us maybe God intended it this way.

I ended it all with following words from a friend,
From a pretend friend, who wanted my world to end.

You were my world, each breathe I took, everything I dreamed,
A friendship shouldn't come from this, but amazingly through the dark it beamed.

Maybe my mistake was some sign,
That you were meant to just be a great friend of mine.

I am feeling happy that we are still so close,
Even though we don't shared what I wanted most.

For now I understand what I have gained from all this,
A special friend, someone who for not one moment do I want to miss.

Unseen Friend

Although you are a friend of mine
and letters we exchange,
I wouldn't know you on the street,
and doesn't that seem strange?

You hold a place within my life,
unusual and unique;
We share ideals and special dreams,
and still, we do not speak.

I picture what I think you are,
perhaps you picture me.
An intriguing game for both of us
for someone we can't see.

So for this friendship we possess,
we owe this mail a debt,
Perhaps the charm lies in the fact
that we have never met.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why guys like girls???

Girls always smell good,
even if its just a shampoo...
The way they sleep on your shoulders...
The ease with which they fit in your arms.

The way they kiss you,
everything in the world seems right...
Somehow they are always warm,
even if its 0 degrees outside.

The way they say, 'I miss you'...
The way they fall in your arms when they cry...
The way their tears make you want to change the world,
so that it doesn't hurt them.

Cos once they come into your life...
Whatever they are to the world...
They become everything to you...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Treasures of LIFE

We may not be eligible
For oscars or Grammys
We are all eligible for
Life's precious
moments, like...

A Big Hug,
A quiet evening walk,
with a friend,
thinking of someone,
late at night,
watching the rain,
sipping hot coffee,
A good day at work,
Parent's love,
The day you made
your own breakfast,
To see someone smile
at you for no reason

Treasure These
moments for your
You might not get
these back...


Monday, April 12, 2010

It's madness..............
to hate all roses cos u got scratched by one thorn....
to give up all your dreams cos one didnt came true....
to lose faith in prayers cos one wasn't answered....
to give up all efforts cos one of them failed....
to condemn all your friends cos one betrayed you...
not to believe in love cos someone was unfaithful....

Remember that another chance will come up...
A new friend....
A new love....
A new life....
Never give up....

Cos life is indeed beautiful.....!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What Makes a Dad???

God took the strength of a mountain,
The warmth of the summer sun,
The generous soul of nature,
The wisdom of the ages,
The joy of the morning in spring,
The patience of eternity,
Then God combined those qualities,
He knew his masterpiece was complete.
The majesty of a tree,
The calm of the quite sea,
The comforting arm of night,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The faith of the mustard seed,
The depth of the family need,
When there was nothing more to add,
And so, He called it...Dad!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


My mother kept a garden,
A garden in her heart,
And she planted all the good things
That gave my life its start.

She turned me to the sunshine
And encouraged me to dream,
Fostering and nurturing
The seeds of self-esteem.

And when the winds and rain came,
She protected me enough-
But not too much because she knew
I'd need to stand up strong and tough.

Her constant good example
Always taught me right from wrong-
Makers for my pathway
That will last a lifetime long.

I am my mother's garden.
I am her legacy.
And I hope today she feels the love
Reflected back from me!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Raise your glass to the sky,

With hopes and dreams held high,

To my friends I toast…

Here’s to the friends we’ve lost and gained,

And people we’ll never know by name.

To the bonds we’ve made and the albums we’ve filled,

Memories that may fade but never be killed.

Here’s to the phone calls filled with tears,

And to the hours spent talking away our fears.

To the people we thought deserved our hearts,

Whom now we bash and rip apart.

Here’s to the pictures in frames with stories to say,

That we will be sure to pack when we go away.

To the football games we’ve watched beneath the lights,

And our cheers and chants drifting into the night.

Here’s to the proms and dances,

And our school romances.

To homecoming games,

With all the wins in our name.

Here’s to late nights we’ve spent cramming for test,

And morning when coffee made up for our rest.

To the dances and events we took months to create,

The night before worries that came to late.

Here’s to the tears we knew we’d cry,

To the people and places we say good-bye.

To the wild and bizarre things we’ve done,

That we will remember to be the most fun.

Here’s to the letters we left unsigned,

May our identities be revealed all in due time.

To the relationships we wonder how we ever lived without,

And the crushes we look back on and laugh about.

So now it is time to place our glasses down,

Put our caps on and turn our tassels around.

Listen for our names and let them echo through,

And realize how fast these thirteen years just flew.

Friday, March 26, 2010


In future, a day may come when you walk through the large gate of your old school or college once again.......
Walking through that LONELY white path covered with dry leaves, where SMILES were SHARED, LOVE was MADE, HEARTS BROKEN and TEARS SPILLED.......
Then when you step into the lonely old classrooms, only memories will be there for company.......
You may see yourself on every bench, laughing and murmering with you friends.......
Then you will realize that, years ago, "MY HEAVEN WAS HERE" and those good days won't come back forever........
You'll remember some of your friends at that time and drop a tear for them..........

THAT'S LIFE........

Dedicated to all my FRIENDS with a part of my HEART........

Monday, February 1, 2010



Tears begin to flood my face like a cup left under a running faucet well after the water has reached the rim,

My heart leaping to my throat,

Getting caught,




My throat contracting around the emotions the threaten

To leap up and out of my lips,

My stomach




My hands quiver as I reach up to bolt the tiny teardrops,

Leaving footprints down my cheeks.

The path that awaits me,

Suddenly seems like a pilgrimage,

One foot,

Next foot,



I see you.

(I see her)

You smile.

I smile.

(She leaves)

You ask how I am.

(I lie)

I reply that I’m fine.

(Even though my heart has just crept up into my mouth and is jumping up and down on my tongue like an Olympic diver waiting to hit the water).

I want to say that I miss you,

Let you know every moment I’m awake I think of you.

I want you to know that I miss your arms,

Your smile,

Your lips.

I want you to know that, (I’m incomplete)

My body hurts,

My soul bleeds.

I ask how you are (hoping against all hopes that you’ll tell me what I want to hear).

You reply, (your answer not including that you miss me, my arms, my lips, my touch).

My eyes attempt to strip you down to your soul

(Searching for what I once knew so well).

They get lost (but find their way back to reality when they gaze over the (ever-fading) hickey, just above the collar of the shirt she gave you).

My heart leaps off the end of my tongue,

Wanting you to see the way you’ve hurt me,

Wanting you to hurt the same way,

It falls to the ground.

(She calls you)

You hesitantly say good-bye. (As you trot over to her)




My vulnerable, fallen heart. (Not even pausing long enough to scrape it off the bottom of your shoe, like a discarded piece of gum)

She wraps her arms around your neck,

Brings her lips to yours…(Your ears still turn red)

People pass, as if I don’t even exist.)I want to cry, scream, shout).

I want someone to find my heart,

Bring it back,

Piece it together.

I turn away,

Hoping that one day it won’t hurt (as much)

And hoping that I will again be able to call you

And have you come over to me,

Be able to buy you shirts that match your eyes

(and leave the tell-tale hickey just above the collar)

And will still be able to make your lips turn red from the friction of your lips.

I walk away,

Knowing my heart will not follow.
